11. What causes a yeast infection? |
The infection is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast that normally colonize the vagina. This overgrowth occurs when the normal flora gets out of balance. For example, taking antibiotics to treat a sinus infection or strept throat may also kill “good” bacteria that normally live in the vagina. The loss of these “good” bacteria, will allow the yeast to overgrow. Eventually your own body will likely restore this balance, but the infection may resolve more quickly with antifungal treatment. Taking probiotics or eating yogurt with lactobacillus will help to counteract this effect of antibiotics. Yeast also likes a warm, moist environment, so changing quickly out of wet clothes or bathing suits will help to prevent a yeast infection. |
What is PMS? |
Premenstrual syndrome or PMS, refers to the wide range of physical or emotional symptoms that typically occur in the one to two weeks before a woman starts her monthly menstrual cycle. Symptoms include, mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression. An estimated 3 of every 4 menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. Symptoms often improve shortly after the period starts. |
How is PMS treated? |
Premenstrual syndrome is often best treated with lifestyle changes, eating a healthy diet, increasing calcium intake, exercise and rest. Hormonal treatments, such as oral contraceptives are often effective at treating the hormonal fluctuations that cause PMS. |
What is PMDD? |
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD, is a severe form of PMS that affects about 5% of women. Like PMS it occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and many of the symptoms are the same. The difference is the severity. Women affected by PMDD find it very disruptive to their lives. |
How is PMDD treated? |
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is sometimes managed with hormonal treatment, but often requires the addition of an anti-depressant. Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors, SSRIs have been very successful in managing the symptoms of PMS. |