Lisa Lindley, MD is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist with a passion for educating women and empowering them to take control of their own health issues.
Dr. Lindley practices medicine in Southern California, where she frequently appears in the "Medical Minute" on the Patti Gribow Show. Her book, 'Hormones Diets and Sex, Oh My!', which is soon to be released, is just one manifestation of that passion. She is also the co-founder of WoW, an event which celebrates the Wonder of Women. WoW has grown into a huge success as an all-day event which encourages, educates, and empowers women. It has become an anticipated, "sold out" event on the calendars of many Southern California women.
Dr. Lindley obtained her medical degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine, where she graduated with honors. She also completed her residency training at Loma Linda Medical Center where she continues to serve as a guest faculty member. Following her residency, she co-founded Rancho Mirage Women's Health Center, in Rancho Mirage, California, where she specializes in treating the menopausal and perimenopausal issues facing women. She is certified by the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) as a Menopause Practitioner (NCMP). She has become a sought after lecturer on topics relating to women's health.
Dr. Lindley's interest in medicine actually began as patient. Her experience, and the physician who cared for her, had such an impact on her life that she entered medical school to pursue a career in women's health. With firsthand knowledge of the opportunity a caring physician has to influence her patients, she entered medical school with the hope of doing just that. She now combines her own experiences as a patient, physician, wife, and mother with the knowledge she has gained treating thousands of women. This has allowed her to develop an easy, conversational style when delivering this very complex information.
"Teaching women that self-knowledge is one of the most important components to good health is one of my driving goals," says Dr. Lindley. "I want my website to help women find answers to many common health issues that start with this self-education process. Women's health empowerment has a strong ally in the Internet. is part of that grassroots effort. Think of it as a friend to guide in your quest for health and wellness."
"Teaching women that self-knowledge is one of the most important components to good health is one of my driving goals," says Dr. Lindley. "I want my website to help women find answers to many common health issues that start with this self-education process. Women's health empowerment has a strong ally in the Internet. is part of that grassroots effort. Think of it as a friend to guide in your quest for health and wellness."